Considering a chin implant? This surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, making your chin more prominent for a more balanced face. Specializing facial procedures, Dr. Lynch has decades of training and thousands of surgeries worth of experience.

Chin Implant (Augmentation/Enlargement)

A chin augmentation refers to refinement/improvement of the bone contour of the chin area. This procedure can be performed surgically by rearranging the existing bone of the chin or by placing a synthetic implant over the surface of the bone under the skin and muscle.

This surgery is usually done to augment an underprojected chin.
Restoring your facial harmony is the goal of chin augmentation. It can be used to define an underdeveloped chin, or give it more prominence.

The shape of your chin is directly related to nose size.  Sometimes, a smaller chin can make a large nose more noticeable, and vice versa.

Often,  nose reshaping or rhinoplasty and chin implant augmentation are done together. Adding a chin implant can also be helpful at the time of neck or facelift, to help better define your jawline.

What Are Chin Implants Made Of?

Chin Implants are either Silastic, made of silicone elastomer, a flexible plastic that does not adhere to the bone; or Medpor, a porous polyethylene biomaterial that allows bone ingrowth and becomes part of the bone. 

The Genioplasty (Chin Implant) Process

Your Consult

When you meet with Dr. Lynch for your initial consultation, you can
discuss your concerns and desired results. Dr. Lynch will examine you as well as take photographs to help with the planning and performing of your chin implant surgery.
Finally, you’ll receive important instructions to prepare for your procedure, a quote, and an explanation of the results you can expect to achieve.

The Procedure

The intended result is an improved facial and neck profile. After
chin augmentation, one should expect a more attractive jawline that creates a
better balance between the chin and other facial features. The procedure is
done on an outpatient basis under sedation with local anesthesia or under
general anesthesia. An incision is made inside the lower lip or under the chin,
and an implant is placed. In an alternative method called sliding osteotomy, a
portion of the chin bone is permanently moved forward.

Your Recovery

The patient goes home with a small pressure dressing over the chin and a band that  supports the neck and chin area that fastens with Velcro behind the crown of the head. Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Swelling, tenderness, and possible local numbness gradually subside within a month or two.

After Your Surgery (Post)

Eye makeup can be used after sutures are removed. Contact lenses can be worn when comfortable — usually within 7 to 10 days. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us.

If you have a small or receding chin, you may be a candidate for chin augmentation. Chin augmentation may balance your profile by augmenting the deficient chin area and giving more balance to the face. A chin that looks too small in comparison with other facial features may possibly make the nose appear longer or too large for the face. Many times, the consultation for Rhinoplasty will reveal the need for a chin implant.

If the chin is deficient, the neck ages much faster because there is less support for the excess skin that falls from the face into the neck because of gravity. Chin Implants are often placed at the time of neck liposuction or along with a neck muscle tightening procedure, platysmaplasty.

The best result is an improved facial and neck profile. After chin augmentation, you can expect a more attractive jawline that creates a better balance between the chin and your other facial features.

Whatever your reason is, thank you for considering our practice and we would love to help you.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Many patients receive chin implants for cosmetic reasons, such as improving the definition in their lower face. Some patients need to get chin implants to reconstruct their chin after an accident or trauma. Some of our patients are concerned about their small or recessed chin.

A recessed chin is when your chin doesn’t stick out far enough from your face. From the side, your chin isn’t in proportion with the lines of your forehead, nose and other features.

Patients who’ve had trauma to their face, such as a facial fracture or tumor removal, might also consider and benefit from a chin implant.

Chin Implant Surgery Maryland, Chin Augmentation Surgeon Chevy Chase
Chin Implant Surgery Maryland, Chin Augmentation Surgeon Chevy Chase

Non - Surgical Chin Strengthening

Chin Strengthening & Jawline Contour Cosmetic Filler Injections

Reshaping The Lower Face Using Injectable Fillers
This procedure is when dermal fillers are injected into the chin and jawline to instantly lift the skin, sculpt, and define the angles of the lower face, improve volume, restore overall balance and symmetry, and improve a patient’s “selfie” profile.

Chin and Jawline Facial Balancing slims, reshapes and refines your chin & jawline to give you a more pronounced look and feel, provides more balanced features, creating more separation between your chin,  jawline and your neck.

Request A Confidential Consultation At Lynch Plastic Surgery

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  • Make Your Appointment

    Are you Interested in a Chin Implant or Chin Augmentation? You Can Safely Achieve Your Cosmetic Goals. Visit Maryland's Leading Facial Expert, Dr. Sheilah A. Lynch, in Chevy Chase or Easton Today.

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    Dr. Sheilah A. Lynch, acclaimed leader in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery and reconstructive procedures. Meet with our all female staff of medical professionals, here to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

  • Exam & Expectations

    Your consultation is an opportunity to meet with our professional medical team, ask questions and determine what treatments and procedures are right for you. Dr. Lynch and staff will educate you about your options and put your mind at ease before scheduling surgery.

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