Expert Male Breast Reduction Surgery at Lynch Plastic Surgery


Interested male breast reduction surgery? This procedure gets rid of excessive breast tissue to create flatter, toned pecs, it can also restore a more youthful, masculine look to your chest.

Maryland Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Sheilah A. Lynch 
offers breast reduction surgery men looking to create a more masculine, aesthetically pleasing appearance to their chest. She can help you feel & look more confident by providing a simple, yet safe operation to correct any breast issues or problems.

What Is Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) Surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. This condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery (reduction mammaplasty) corrects enlarged male breasts. Sometimes, if your condition is severe enough to result in a drooping breast, a breast lift be required.

Benefits of Male Breast Reduction

It can give you a flatter chest and a more sculpted-looking appearance. The biggest benefit of male breast reduction surgery is the way that you will feel afterward. Your clothes fit and look better as the improvement of your chest area may motivate you to exercise regularly to keep your whole body looking its best.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional distress and impair self-confidence. Many men avoid physical activities and intimacy simply to hide this condition. 

 Male breast reduction surgery can help correct:

  • Extra fat pockets
  • Excess glandular tissue
  • Excess breast skin
  • Either unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts)

Can Male Breasts Grow Back After Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery is a permanent way to make your breasts smaller.
The fat and other breast tissue removed during this procedure can’t grow back.
Male Breast Reduction Chevy Chase Maryland - Before After
However, if you gain weight after your surgery, new fat can accumulate in your breasts and make them grow in size.
  • The final results of male breast reduction surgery are permanent in most cases, but weight gain, hormonal imbalances or the use of certain drugs (including anabolic steroids and marijuana) may cause your breasts to re-enlarge.
  • Where the chest area is enlarged due to obesity, excessive alcohol intake, and other extrenal factors, changing these habits will help to maintain after surgery the size of your breasts with healthy dieting or regular exercise.

The Gynecomastia
(Breast Reduction Male) Process

Your Consult

During your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Lynch to discuss your concerns and desired results. Dr. Lynch will examine you as well as take photographs to help with the planning and performing of your procedure.

At the end of your consultation, you’ll receive important instructions to prepare for your procedure, a quote, and an explanation of the results you can expect to achieve.

The Procedure

Male breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. During your procedure, depending on the degree of severity, Dr. Lynch may remove excessive fat or glandular tissue by performing liposuction through tiny, inconspicuous incisions. If excess skin is to be removed with the excessive fat and glandular tissue, Dr. Lynch will remove this through small incisions which are inconspicuous and fade over time. Gynecomastia is a popular plastic surgery procedure for men globally.

Your Recovery

It is possible you may have a drain under the skin on the axilla (armpit/lateral chest) to collect any fluid that would increase your post op swelling and discomfort. Sutures are removed within 7 to 12 days.

After Your Surgery (Post)

You will wear a male vest compression garment after surgery.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us.

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